Postpartum Tips: After Birth Necessities

mother with newborn baby on couch
Photo by Sarah Chai on

Hello! I am a mom of a 1 year old, and I would like to talk about some postpartum tips that helped me after I gave birth to my daughter and also tips that I wish I had tried. Enjoy 🙂

Taking Care of Mom:

Firstly, you just gave birth! Congratulations! Whether by C-section or vaginally, you are amazing! Now you have this whole new fragile human whom you’ve never even met before! You are exhausted from labor and delivery and now have to try and figure out how to take care of a newborn baby! It’s such a chaotic and beautiful process. In my situation, I gave birth vaginally so these will be more geared to that kind of recovery. Of course, though, these tips can be helpful for any type of birth. Here are some things that might make it easier on you.

  1. Rest as much as possible. Your body needs to heal and over-doing things for the first few weeks can lead to prolonged bleeding.
  2. Talk about your needs to your spouse/ family members. It’s okay to speak up and say that you need some time alone to rest or that you don’t want anyone visiting at the moment.
  3. Make sure to eat and drink! That may seem blatantly obvious, but to a new mom who is overwhelmed and constantly busy, It’s not that easy. I did not eat or drink very much at all postpartum because I didn’t feel hungry. This greatly affected my physical and mental health, strength, and milk supply. I encourage you to take care of yourself so you are able to be healthy and take care of your baby properly.
  4. Pray and lean on God during this time. This will be a very hard time emotionally and physically. You have just gone through so much and will need God’s guidance and help.

Postpartum Products for Mom:

1. Diapers (yes, you heard that correctly. Diapers for you, not the baby). You will be bleeding A LOT. I don’t say this to scare you, but so you can be prepared. Being honest, I loved to wear the diapers more than the huge pads that you can wear. It’s all on personal preference. These are the kind I used.

2. Pads- I wish that I had gotten these kind that allow you to either make the pad hot/cold.

3. Clothes that fit- Most women after giving birth do not fit into their pre-pregnancy clothes, but also feel uncomfortable wearing their maternity clothing. I recommend wearing soft, stretchy clothes that have easy to access for breastfeeding/pumping if you are doing those things.

4. Postpartum Kits- These kits have a lot that you need in them including peri bottle, grip socks, and disposable underwear

5. Bathroom Supplies- Your bathroom routine is going to be a lot different from before. There are a lot more products that you will need to have in the bathroom ready for you.

Peri Bottle

Helpful Perineal Sprays


Pads and Diapers

Tucks Cooling Pads

Basket- to hold all supplies in

6. Nursing Pads- Whether you decide to breastfeed or not, your milk will more than likely come in a few days after birth. These help you to not soak your shirt every 5 minutes.

7. Sitz Bath- This is something I truly regret not doing. I have heard many people say this worked wonders for them to help healing, soreness, and reduce swelling.

8. Nipple Cream- Breastfeeding/ pumping can make your nipples feel sore and sometimes even crack or bleed.

9. Belly Binder- This can help support your belly and back while your uterus is shrinking back to normal size and your organs are going back to their regular places (weird but cool!).

10. Breastfeeding/ Pumping Basics

If you are looking for what your newborn baby will need, I will link the blog to my Newborn Essentials post here. I hope you enjoyed these postpartum tips and essentials! If you have any questions you can comment down below. Subscribe to my website for more content. 🙂

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